Showing Up

It’s not difficult to be average. It’s just about showing up!


PreK-12 grade success is mostly about showing up and putting in the bare minimum effort necessary to scrape by with a high school degree. The hardest part is getting out of bed in the morning. But, it’s doable, and it’s worth the effort.

Getting an education is worth the investment to get a job and more opportunities in the future. Many people would argue that some college or trade school is also necessary to attain a decent job these days. But, the same principles apply. The hardest part is getting out of bed in the morning. But, it’s doable, and it’s worth the effort.


Work is boring. There are days that are very busy and days with nothing to do. But, you need money to accomplish in life and to have some stability while starting your own business to chase the American Dream.

So, how do you go most of your waking time somewhere you don’t want to be? Willpower. The hardest part is getting out of bed in the morning. But, it’s doable, and it’s worth the effort.

It is also worth the effort to start a business in order to get out of the rat race and actually enjoy the work you do.


It’s fun in the beginning. There are lots of chemicals in your brain making you happy and your partner is wonderful and has no flaws. It fades. And then real-life resumes and life is hard. It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be happy and in a healthy relationship. It just means that relationships are work and everyone has flaws and is annoying to live with (including me and you).

But, the same principle of showing up applies. The hardest part is getting out of bed in the morning. But, it’s doable, and it’s worth the effort. Sometimes you have to fight and sometimes you have to learn how to fight better. The effort is worth it for the right person.

Make no mistake though, no partner is perfect and no relationship fixes all problems.


Any idiot it a working reproductive system can be a parent. You need a license to drive a car, practice law or medicine, but anyone can do the most important and difficult job of all - parent. It’s a problem without a solution, folks. But, here we are.

When the time comes and you have a little human who is half you running around it’s important to remember two things. One you do not own the human and therefore cannot abuse, neglect, or take the little human from their other parent without justifiable cause. Two parents are not required to be perfect just to be good enough.

The hardest part is getting out of bed in the morning. But, it’s doable, and it’s worth the effort.

Also, when the little human is a little baby who won’t sleep, make sure you have someone helping you so you can sleep from time to time. It’s safer and healthier for you and the child to get sleep occasionally.

Just remember when life gets overwhelming that you don’t have to be perfect just good enough. The secret to it all is to just show up.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney




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