INTJ x INTP Wedding

October 9, 2021. Our wedding day is coming folks! After a long engagement, I am ready to get married to my best friend.

Our wedding reflects us a lot and as an INTJ 3w4 and an INTP 5w6 it’s probably not going to be the ceremony our parents always hoped for.


The thing about being an INT couple is we don’t value tradition. We are science and sci-fi nerds. We love Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos. We read investment, entrepreneur, and small business owner books in our free time and via audible on our commutes to work. Our decorations are of the Star Trek and NASA variety. Simply put, we are weird.

We accepted ourselves a long time ago and complement each other. But, being atheists who don’t value tradition, without a logical good reason, of course, did not make everyone in our immediate families very happy. Like most kids who grew up in the Midwest, Alex and I were raised Christian and our parents are Christians.

So, that has caused some tension. I think the most challenging thing for the family to adjust to is that I am wearing red on my wedding day. Since I was a little kid I really didn’t give a damn about my wedding apart from one detail: I always knew that I was going to wear red. As an INTJ female who adores Coco Channel - I’d rather make tradition than follow other’s traditions.


We are not getting married in a church. Alex has a grandparent who is a leader in the baptist church. So, that grandparent just won’t be happy about our non-religious wedding. What can you do?

My childhood friend is marrying us and about 75% of the wedding party is gay. I am wearing red and neither myself nor my future hubby believes I was created to be his helpmate or obey him.

Due to our very independent natures and how that is reflected in our wedding, we choose to do a destination wedding. We picked our favorite place in Florida to hold the wedding. The hope is those that who would be extremely offended just won’t come.


We don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a party. We aren’t even party people! So, we kept it simple and small. We didn’t want a huge expensive party with people we don’t really like. Thankfully, everyone was very supportive and kind about this choice. My sister actually eloped when she got married. So, she is also a big believer in Keep it Simple Stupid!


We like complex music. Basically, we prefer classical or metal. I seem to like a little bit of every genre. But, I have got increasingly interested in Kpop, metal, and classical over the years.

Our wedding playlist is a little alternative because we didn’t want to listen to music that isn’t like us. We want to play Marlyn Manson, Slip Knot, Stone Sour, System of the Down, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, and Chopin. A bit of a strange playlist for our after pool party. But, it’s our party and we can rock if we want to!

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


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