Resilience Factors

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) change how hard someone has to work to succeed. The more ACEs someone has, the more likely they are to be at higher risk of risky behaviors and dying earlier. But, making good life choices is not enough to reverse the effect of high ACEs. Having a high ace score is considered 4 or more out of 10.

What are the ACES?

  1. Physical Abuse

  2. Emotional Abuse

  3. Sexual Abuse

  4. Physical Neglect

  5. Emotional Neglect

  6. House Hold Dysfunction - Mental Illness

  7. House Hold Dysfunction - Incarcerated Relative

  8. House Hold Dysfunction - Mother Treated Violently

  9. House Hold Dysfunction - Substance Abuse

  10. House Hold Dysfunction - Divorce/Abandonment/Death of a Parent

What are the resilience factors associated with overcoming ACEs?

  1. Yoga

  2. Dance

  3. Art

  4. Writing

  5. Music

  6. Social Connections

  7. Mentors

  8. School

  9. Reading

  10. Animals

Ultimately, there are numerous resilience factors. But, in general, the factors end up being in two categories: connections and creativity. To overcome adversity a person will need emotional and social connections to healthy people and sometimes to animals. Additionally, it takes a brand new worldview to overcome poverty and its mindset. So, creativity is key in not only surviving but thriving after a childhood full of high ACEs.

In the end, what matters is not what worked, but that something did work in helping a child pull themselves out of a childhood marred with pain.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


Living With People


Lofi Music