
We are hardwired for social interactions. So, COVID social isolation was hard on everyone, even introverts such as myself. It was years until I really got quality time with close family members before vacations came back before life made sense again.

The loss of control may have been particularly hard on lawyers because we are problem solvers. But, COVID was a problem no individual could solve. It’s terrible to be out of control. So, If anything good has come out of COVID it is that mental health awareness necessarily had to get better. And those with a need to be in control all the time had to take a closer look as to why. I had to do so. I also had to face the hard truths about the profession I picked and the typical problems in my profession.

Attorneys have a high risk for burnout, depression, and addictions. This is nothing new. But, COVID made us lawyers start leading in mental health awareness. It was high time the legal field specifically, and culture, in general, started to take mental health seriously. A key part of leading not only in being aware of mental health issues but in addressing them is striving for balance.

The goal in life and work is balance. It looks different for every person. But, I am on the path to finding out what balance looks like for me and my family. And despite the issues in my profession, I am happy I became an attorney. The major reason I love being an attorney is that I found Shur Law. This law firm gave me the opportunity to strive for balance in a way no other employer ever did. I’m grateful to be where I am in my life and career - despite all the crazy since 2020 that got me here.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


All The World’s A Stage

