One Year of Leo Law

Starting a law firm is a bold endeavor that requires dedication, expertise, and a leap of faith. However, venturing into this realm with friends by your side adds a unique dynamic to the journey. In an industry where collaboration and hard work are paramount, the decision to embark on this path with trusted allies is a rewarding experience.

In March 2023, with a clear focus on our specialization, a solid business plan, and unwavering determination, we embarked on a journey filled with challenges and opportunities.

The initial stages are marked by meticulous planning and strategizing. From defining your niche and target clientele to establishing a robust marketing strategy, every decision is calculated.

One of the most significant advantages of starting a law firm with friends is the foundation of trust upon which your professional relationships are built. Trust forms the cornerstone of effective teamwork, enabling seamless communication, collaboration, and decision-making. With a shared vision and mutual respect, we navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with confidence and cohesion.

The journey is not without its share of challenges. From navigating legal regulations and compliance requirements to managing finances and client expectations, the path to success is paved with obstacles. However, during these moments of adversity, the strength of your camaraderie shines through. Together, you confront challenges head-on, learning and growing with each hurdle overcome.

Amid challenges, there are also triumphs. As Leo Law gained traction and recognition in the legal landscape, our hard work began to bear fruit. The 5-star client reviews started rolling in, and now we have more than 75 of them on our social media profiles. Word of mouth spreads, and our reputation as a formidable legal team grows.

Then comes our momentous milestone: surpassing six figures in our firm's first year. It represents our collective effort, resilience, and unwavering commitment to excellence. As you reflect on this achievement, you realize that it is not merely about the financial success but the fulfillment derived from pursuing your passion and making a meaningful impact in our client's lives.

Beyond the financial rewards, the journey of starting a law firm with friends is characterized by shared experiences, triumphs, and aspirations. It is about forging lasting bonds, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, and paving the way for future growth and success.

As you celebrate your accomplishments, you are reminded of the invaluable lesson learned: success is not solely defined by monetary gains but by the relationships nurtured, the challenges overcome, and the legacy created. In entrepreneurship, the greatest reward lies in the journey itself—building something extraordinary with the people who believe in your vision and share your dreams.

In conclusion, embarking on the entrepreneurial journey of starting Leo Law with friends is a testament to the power of collaboration, determination, and shared purpose. While the road may be fraught with challenges, the rewards far outweigh the risks. Together, we defy the odds, surpass expectations, and carve a path toward success—one milestone at a time.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


Émilie du Châtelet x Voltaire


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