Growing Our Family

As a business owner and attorney based in Cincinnati, Ohio, my partner and I faced a momentous decision in 2023: expanding our family. Balancing the demands of parenthood with our thriving law firm and investment properties presented unique challenges in today's dynamic economic landscape. With the economy still recovering from the global pandemic, we had to meticulously plan for the financial implications of starting a family while ensuring the continued success of our businesses.

The year 2023 brought a mixture of optimism and uncertainty because the economy showed signs of improvement but the housing and car loan rates combined with the high gas and food costs keep everyone worried. As responsible parents-to-be, we had to consider the potential impact of market fluctuations on our investment properties and law firm. We knew that child-rearing would require a reevaluation of our work-life balance, necessitating adjustments to our business strategies and operations. Thankfully, we have already fully embraced remote work and flexible schedules which has made our future with children far more realistic.

While expanding our family was a deeply rewarding decision, it also highlighted the importance of the ability to adapt to change. Alex, my husband, and I are nothing if not willing to take on a new challenge and adapt to change. So, cheers to the next great challenge in life!

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


Baby Boy


Leo Law: Update