Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

My husband and I will be celebrating our 6th Valentine's Day together this year. Time has really flown! We met when I was 23 and he was 21. When we met, I was in a two-year law school program at the University of Dayton and he was in the middle of a mechanical engineering B.S. degree at the University of Cincinnati. We were both busy and it made that time go by quickly. In May 2019 I graduated, in July 2019 I took the bar, and in November 2019 found out I passed! I secured my first attorney job in November 2019 and started the job in December 2019.

And then COVID happened and changed the world. Alex ended up fully remote for his last college semester in the spring of 2020. We then moved into our own apartment in the summer of 2020. We saved up and bought our first duplex in 2021 and spend the next year fixing up and living in the second unit while working full-time as an attorney and engineer. In the fall of 2021, we got married. Then in 2022, we bought another house and fully rented out our duplex.

Life has gone by quickly! Probably because we are both so ambitious and workaholics.

Iā€™m grateful I met someone whose goals are so similar to mine and that we have been together for a better part of a decade now.

Love you, Alex! I could not have accomplished so much so fast without you working, saving, and sacrificing like crazy with me for years. Cheers to many more goals accomplished and Valentine's Days together.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


Doctor Ramani


New Years