December, 2020


2020 was a difficult year because my parents are both in the dangerous age group for COVID-19. You don’t think about how much you want to spend time with your parents until they are gone… or not seeing anyone because of COVID. So, this year was a bit blue without my family of origin.

However, I have started a new family with my fiance, our cat, and our hamster. Alex and I both have jobs and a lot to be thankful for this year. So, I am grateful that my parents are still alive and we’ll spend time together again soon.


I’m an introvert so I make friends slowly. At this point in my life, my close friends are scattered around the country pursuing their own lives. I am in Ohio hunkered down waiting for COVID-19 to pass. It’s a bit lonely. Alex and I have made three couple-friends (other people in couples) and occasionally socialize. But, my girl time has been almost nonexistent this year.

So, my hope for 2021 is to see my closest friends again at my wedding and hopefully before!


Our in-laws were great! Every year since I’ve been with Alex his family has treated me like one of their own. We see them every Sunday for dinner and spend most holidays at their home. However, this year we vacationed at Myrtle Beach for Christmas week. It was weird not being with Kim and Ty! But, we saw them on the 26th once we were back in town.

I was blessed with many wonderful gifts and two wonderful inlaws.


The week after Christmas is one of the most necessary weeks to rest in the whole year. Family and travel and spending money are stressful. So, after our family and travel packed December, Alex and I had a lot of PJs and Hulu/Netflix nights. It was great!

I found a person I can be alone with and that is living the introvert’s dream.

Nova Levante

Mom, writer, painter, child advocacy attorney


January, 2021